Hari pertama kiteorg sampai kat Terengganu, kiteorg tlah pergi ke Taman Tamadun Islam.... Best gak r... mane x nyer.. kat dalam tu, ade semua masjid2 yang terkenal kat seluruh dunia... cakap jer nak pi mane??? Taj Mahal? Masjid Al-Haram? sume kiteorg da singgah...... pas tu kiteorg singgah jap kat Masjid Kristal... CANTIK OOOO..... pastu, kiteorg pi Pasar Payang lak...
shopping tudung, baju batik, lekor, komik(aku ler 2..hehe..), buah... memacam r... sampai x larat dah nak jalan...so kiteorg balik kat bas naik beca... tahap best giler r.... dah le ak blom pernah naik beca seumor hidup ak...huhuhu... lepas 2 baru r kiter org balik Hotel... best gak r hotel tu... tapi yang x best nyer tmpt tu, ssh sket nak dapat line maxis... hampeh tol....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
dapat gak aku balik umah!!! bosan siot duduk kat maktab! dah ler banyak monyet...
tapi ak da x takot sgt ngan monyet2 bodoh 2... balik cuti tahun baru cine ni aku balik ngan roommate aku...
die tompang umah aku....best giler... aku mmg da lame nak bawak die datang umah aku... tp still x dapat... so ari cuti ni aku ajak die tido umah aku.....huhuhuhihihiihihahahahahahhaha!!!!!!! untung tau die... sbb dapat pi terengganu ngan aku.... waktu aku ckp ngan mak aku yang aku nak bawak roommate aku balik maktab... mak aku lupe yang die dapat pi t'ganu... so biler die teringat 2... aku dah bg tau roommate aku yang mak aku bagi die blk rumah aku... jadi... aku memujuk mak aku supaye mmbawe skali aku nyer room mate....hihihihi... di sebabkan aku ngan mak aku suke kak halida[roommate aku]... die pown bagi... roommate aku lak x pernah pi t'ganu... jadi dia sgt hepi biler dgr die dpt pi terengganu.... huhuhu... aku ske tol tgk muke die.... da ler cumel!!!!
key lah... blah dulu...
Monday, January 5, 2009
x paking barang lagi....
pergh! satu mende pown aku x paking lg!!! dah ler besok abg ak nak anta aku pepagi esok!!!
baju sekolah aku pown baru rendam... shoot r! bilik dahle bersepah!! baju t aku bkn ade banyak... sume x cuci lg... mane x nye... ari tu blk kl je.. terus pi s'pore.. banyak bj x sempat cuci.. masalah tol la! ni skang ni mak aku nak ajak aku pi hospital... malas r nak gi... ak nak pi kubur ayah je... ari tu dpt 8A, x pi lg kubur ayah... pepe pown.. baik aku buat azam 2009 ak...
Azam 2009
*menjadi lebih matang*
*cari kawan lebih banyak dari last year*
*senyum selalu*
*kuruskan badan*
*kurangkan belanje kat maktab*
*excersice bebanyak*
First Day of School
today is the first day of school...[for government school la..] and most of us have start working and studiying.. but for me... its still holiday... i will enter my schooll tomorrow as i am not from a government school.. come to think about it..today i have to pack my stuff for tomorow destination...MJSC Terendak... ready or not, that is still my destination... this year is going to be a whole new year to me because im gonna learn new subject... even the new stuff that i dont even know! im going to be an upper form senior in my school. it makes me feel soooo OLD...
ARGH!! soooo depressing.... moreover, most of my friend didnt pass the PMR exam and has to enter the government school... very sad indeed... just now, i got a msg from my friend who ask me to pray for her in the new school... i will pray for her...
its depressing to think that most of my friends are not coming back to terendak tomorrow.. *sigh*
i dont like this sad stuff...
but i just cant get rid of it.....
today my brother promise me to watch movie together
so it makes me happy a little bit...
we're suppose to watch movie together with my cousin..
but it looks like he dont want them to follow us..
its like WOW when he want to watch movie with me..
he usually not like that.. but its already makes me happy..
Present for 8A's
did i tell u that i get 8A's in my PMR?
because of that, my mom gives me rewards of RM 500 to me...
besides that.. i also ask my mom for a keyboard so i can play it...
but after i went back from singapore yesterday...
i've desided that i want to but a PSP instead of keyboard..
i already wish to have a PSP since that thing was sold all across the country
but come to think about it...i forgot about the wish until i came to singapore...
my cousin has already buy a PSP!!! OMG!! i was soooo dam exited that time!!
my bro and i play the PSP a lot!
that is how i remember my wish to have a PSP...
on my way home to Malaysia, my bro persue me to change my wishes to has a keyboard...
he want me to buy a PSP instead of keyboard...
without hesitate, i agree with him...
not many would belive my story...
but its the truth...
when i tell my mom i want her to give me PSP instead of keyboard..
she's a bit shock..hahaha...im not surprise about it though..
but then i tell her that PSP is better coz its cheaper then keyboard...
okey la...
cau dulu...
yoroshiku onegaishimasu

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