Monday, April 23, 2012

SUCKER FOR WORDS?.............and a confession???!!!

somehow i just realise that i am a sukker for words...
people just keep on misunderstanding my intentions..

whatever~ only those who know me
understands me... hehehehe.. right rara???
somehow no matter how many bestfriend i have,
i still have to search for you when i want to express my feelings..
happy, troubled, sad...

is it because i know that you know me best?

but i'm wondering whether you think the same about me rara~
i hope you do coz if you do not,
its quite embarrassing for me.. hahaha

like the unrequited love see?
its embarrassing!

OH GOD! this sounds like a confession!
i can't even help her to fix up her blog because of my work..
sorry honey~
nanti ek..
when i'm free~ hehehehe

1 comment:

Nora Lee said...

hehe~ x pew~ ^^
ak pun rse bnde yg same laaa~ x leh lupe ko smpi bile2 kut~ ^^