Monday, December 27, 2010

A day in Singapore (^.^)

aku rasa penat ya amat!
well, keluar dalam pukul 1.00pm..
then pergi kenduri kahwin my mak cik's friends
the kenduri is kecil-kecilan je la..
tak banyak kereta pun..
unlike Malaysia..
then we go to Geylang..
haha.. mula2 sampai bau ikan...
lol.. kedai ikan kat bawah.. tapi bau sampai atas..
atas tu ade byk baju and tudung and all..
but seriously i tell you..
if you're a Singaporean, you'll say the baju is so damn cheap!
satu blouse kat sini only cost $18!
kalau dekat Malaysia.. those blouse can cost to almost RM50!!
i wish i am a Singaporean..
boleh shopping dekat Geylang selalu!..huhu
next, we all go to Vivo City..
the place is soo packed with people!
sakit kepala aku.. huhu..
why pergi sana?
sebab nak cari abang punya iphone 4 yang dia idam2 sangat!
last2 x jumpa pown..
kesian abang.. kumpul duit.. tapi x dapat nak beli..
that thing is so limited edition la..
well, benda yang paling x nak belah nye tu masa kat Vivo City is
we forget where we park our car!
the basement car park is so damn big!
and we have no idea where we park our car..haha..
sumpah sakit kaki aku jalan cari kereta..
abg aku x payah cerita la..
slow je dia jalan...loool!
tapi mmg la..
expedisi mencari kereta tu mmg absorb habis energy aku!
sampai jer rumah, BAM!
tilam.. bantal.. here i come!
haha.. tdo dari pukul 8pm sampai 12am..
x habis lagi operasi mencari iphone,
keluar lagi..
pergi Mustafa Centre..
this place is like Mydin la kalau kat Malaysia..
cuma the place a lot more bigger and larger compare to Mydin..
yes.. ade iphone.. but the thing is..
semua dah sold out..
hari ni the iphone masuk 9biji..
and semua habis hari ni jugak.. can you believe that????
well.. kalau nak boleh jer datang esok.. tapi..
besok nak pergi Universal Studio for one day..
so aku tak tahu la macam mana nanti..
tu je kot for today..
k.. tata..

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